Senin, 03 Desember 2012


Make Inquiry Letter

Inquiry Letter is a letter of inquiry asks someone for specific information. In some cases, such as a request for promotional material, the recipient will have a clear interest in responding to your letter. In other cases, such as a request for specific information on a product, the recipient may or may not be as motivated to respond quickly.

Format of a Letter of Inquiry

Follow this format in writing a letter of inquiry :
a. In the first paragraph, identify yourself and, if appropriate, your position, and your institution or firm.

b. In the second paragraph, briefly explain why you are writing and how you will use the requested information. Offer to keep the response confidential if such an offer seems reasonable.

c. List the specific information you need. You can phrase your requests as questions or as a list of specific items of information. In either case, make each item clear and discrete.

d. Conclude your letter by offering your reader some incentive for responding.

This Example of inquiry Letter :

Jln.Seruni NO.30
Sukahati Cibinong Bogor 16000

4th December,2012
PT.Network Komputer
333 Jln. Jalan Raya
Depok 16431

Dear Sirs,
When we bought a network device in your store a few months ago, we are very happy to use that tools. Especially the network equipment such as Switch, Router, Access Point and others.
Our company as a whole using that tools. Therefore we would like to offer to cooperate with your company. Can you send the list price of the product your network? Obviously we are very  happy if we can buy the equipment we needed in your company.


Reza Aditya Firdaus
Director of the Company

Sabtu, 24 November 2012



1.    Perbandingan Mobo PC dengan Mobo Asus P8H61 (Pro, Chip, Bios, I/O)

2.    Perbandingan Mobo PC dengan Mobo Asrock B75M (Pro, Chip, Bios, I/O)

3.    Perbandingan Mobo PC dengan Mobo MSI 870-C45 (Pro, Chip, Bios, I/O)

4.    Perbandingan Mobo PC dengan Mobo Asrock 970 FX Extreme 3 (Pro, Chip, Bios, I/O)

5.    PerbandinganVGA PC dengan AMD 4850 (I/O, Buswidh,RAM,Chip GPU)

6.    PerbandinganVGA PC dengan NVDIA GTS 250 (I/O, Buswidh,RAM,Chip GPU)

7.    PerbandinganVGA PC dengan AMD 5770 (I/O, Buswidh,RAM,Chip GPU)

8.    PerbandinganVGA PC dengan NVDIA GTX 550Ti (I/O, Buswidh,RAM,Chip GPU)

9.    Perbandingan HD PC dengan WDC Black 1TB 7200 RPM Sata 3 ( Transfer rate, sick time, latency, access time)

10.    Perbandingan HD PC dengan OCZ Agility 3120 GB Sata 3 (Transfer rate, sick time, latency, access time)

11.    Perbandingan HD PC dengan WDC Black 500 GB 7200 Rpm Sata 2 (Transfer rate, sick time, latency, access time)

12.    Perbandingan HD PC dengan OCZ Vertex 2 120 GB Sata 2 (Transfer rate, sick time, latency, access time)

13.    Perbandingan Processor PC dengan Intel Quad Core Q9550 ( Cache, Jumlah Core dan Thread, Proses Fabrikasi, Super pi 1M )

14.    Perbandingan Processor PC dengan Intel Core i7 2600k ( Cache, Jumlah Core dan Thread, Proses Fabrikasi, Super pi 1M )

15.    Perbandingan Processor PC dengan AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE ( Cache, Jumlah Core dan Thread, Proses Fabrikasi, Super pi 1M )

16.    Perbandingan Processor PC dengan AMD Phenom II X6 1055 T ( Cache, Jumlah Core dan Thread, Proses Fabrikasi, Super pi 1M )

17.    Perbandingan RAM PC dengan APACHER 2GB PC 10600 DDR 3 (Cache memory & latency, cache bandwith, memory bandwith)

18.    Perbandingan RAM PC dengan V-GEN 2GB 10600 DDR 3 (Cache memory & latency, cache bandwith, memory bandwith)

19.    Perbandingan RAM PC dengan VISI-ON 2GB PC 10600 DDR 3 (Cache memory & latency, cache bandwith, memory bandwith)

20.    Perbandingan RAM PC dengan VISI PRO 2GB PC 10600 DDR 3 (Cache memory & latency, cache bandwith, memory bandwith)

Note : 
  1. Yang dilakukan pengukuran untuk PC yang ditentukan oleh LAB adalah yang di dalam kurung...
  2. Untuk PC Praktikan wajib menyertakan screen shoot sesuai judul yang diambil, misal judul "VGA" maka menggunakan app yang ada pada praktikum VGA...
  3. Screen Shoot tidak boleh sama !!!

Ketentuan Proyek Praktikum

PTA 12/13

1. Makalah dibuat berdasarkan tema yang telah ditentukan dan hasil uji coba yang telah dilakukan.

2. Makalah dijilid biasa dengan warna putih untuk kelas Reguler dan warna kuning untuk kelas Pengulangan. Wajib menggunakan kertas kuarto, selain kertas kuarto makalah tidak akan diterima.

3. Isi makalah minimal terdiri dari 15 halaman.

4. Makalah diketik dengan ukuran Font 11, Arial, spasi 1,5, warna huruf Hitam, Batas atas 3 cm, Batas bawah 3 cm, Tepi kiri 4 cm, dan Tepi kiri 3 cm.

5. Makalah wajib diberi nomer halaman.

6. Mengumpulkan softcopy makalah dalam bentuk pdf pada satu folder dengan nama judul proyek masing-masing ke dalam CD-RW “bercover” (diberi nama, NPM, judul makalah serta nama praktikum).

7. Jika ada yang belum jelas hubungi PJ praktikum.

Susunan Makalah:

5. BAB II HASIL UJI COBA (disertai screen shoot tampilan aplikasi)
6. BAB III PENUTUP (kesimpulan dan saran)

1. Cari spesifikasi yang detail!!
2. Cantumkan spesifikasi device yang di uji coba!!
3. Jelaskan factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi hasil uji coba!!
4. Gunakan semua parameter yang telah ditentukan!!


Sabtu, 17 November 2012

LA 3 & LP 4 3DC01 Shift A

LP 4 3DC01 Shift A

1. Apa yang kalian ketahui tentang VGA...?

2. Sebutkan macam2 VGA berdasarkan jenis Port I/O-nya...?

3. Buat tabel perbandingan antara VGA Nvidia dengan ATI Radeon (tanpa memperhatikan kapasitas)...!

LA 3 3DC01 Shift A

1. Buat kesimpulan dari praktikum Hardisk...!

2. Cari gambar Hardisk tipe IDE,SATA,SCSI,SSD (print lalu tempel di buku)...!

3. Jelaskan perbedaan masing2 tipe hardisk tersebut (dilihat dari fisik, jenis kabel, dan penggunaannya)...?

Jumat, 16 November 2012

Style Of Business Letter

Business letter can be written with different styles, such as:
  • Full Block.
Full block style is a letter format in which all text is justified to the left margin. In block letter style, standard punctuation is placed after salutations and in other headings. Open punctuation, however, refers to a modification of style where all nonessential punctuation is omitted. A few key factors will help you understand block style format and the difference that open punctuation makes.

    1. Return Address:  If your stationery has a letterhead, skip this. Otherwise, type your name, address and optionally, phone number. These days, it's common to also include an email address.

    2. Date: Type the date of your letter two to six lines below the letterhead. Three are standard. If there is no letterhead, type it where shown.

   3. Reference Line: If the recipient specifically requests information, such as a job reference or invoice number, type it on one or two lines, immediately below the Date.

   4. Special Mailing Notations: Type in all uppercase characters, if appropriate.

   5. On-Arrival Notations: Type in all uppercase characters, if appropriate. You might want to include a notation on private correspondence.

   6. Inside Address:  Type the name and address of the person and/or company to whom you're sending the letter, three to eight lines below the last component you typed. Four lines are standard.

    7. Attention Line: Type the name of the person to whom you're sending the letter.

    8. Salutation: Type the recipient's name here. Type Mr. or Ms. [Last Name] to show respect, but don't guess spelling or gender.

    9. Subject Line: Type the gist of your letter in all uppercase characters, either flush left or centered. Be concise on one line.

   10. Body: Type two spaces between sentences. Keep it brief and to the point.

    11. Complimentary Close: What you type here depends on the tone and degree of formality.

    12. Signature Block: Leave four blank lines after the Complimentary Close to sign your name. Sign your name exactly as you type it below your signature. Title is optional depending on relevancy and degree of formality.

    13. Identification Initials: If someone typed the letter for you, he or she would typically include three of your initials in all uppercase characters, then two of his or hers in all lowercase characters.

   14.  Enclosure Notation: This line tells the reader to look in the envelope for more. Type the singular for only one enclosure, plural for more.

    15. cc: Stands for courtesy copies (formerly carbon copies). List the names of people to whom you distribute copies, in alphabetical order.

  • Block Format

When writing business letters, you must pay special attention to the format and font used. The most common layout of a business letter is known as block format. Using this format, the entire letter is left justified and single spaced except for a double space between paragraphs.

1. Block Format Headings
In block letter format, all text is flush with the left margin. The sender's address is written at the top of the page, unless the letter is written on letterhead. After the sender's address or logo, a space is entered, followed by the date. After the date, another space is entered, and the recipient's full name and address are typed.

2. Salutation
In block letter style, the salutation should begin with "Dear" and should be followed with the proper prefix and last name of the recipient. Although many letter writers are used to following a salutation with a comma, the salutation is followed by a colon in block letter format.

3. Letter Body
The body of a block letter is written in single-spaced paragraphs aligned to the left margin. A single space is placed between paragraphs. Even in open punctuation, periods and commas are still necessary within paragraphs to separate sentences. However, if you include a list of bullet points in the letter, omit the punctuation.

4. Closing
In the closing of a block style letter, a formal salutation is again aligned against the left margin. In regular block format, a comma is placed after the closing.

  • Semi-Block

The final, and least used, style is semi-block. It is much like the modified block style except that each paragraph is indented instead of left justified. Keep in mind that different organizations have different format requirements for their professional communication. While the examples provided by the OWL contain common elements for the basic business letter (genre expectations), the format of your business letter may need to be flexible to reflect variables like letterheads and templates. Our examples are merely guides.

1. Font
Another important factor in the readability of a letter is the font. The generally accepted font is Times New Roman, size 12, although other fonts such as Arial may be used. When choosing a font, always consider your audience. If you are writing to a conservative company, you may want to use Times New Roman. However, if you are writing to a more liberal company, you have a little more freedom when choosing fonts.

2. Punctuation
Punctuation after the salutation and closing - use a colon (:) after the salutation (never a comma) and a comma (,) after the closing. In some circumstances, you may also use a less common format, known as open punctuation. For this style, punctuation is excluded after the salutation and the closing.

  • Indented Format

The indented layout of business letters is what people are most used to because this is how letters were written before PCs which really has been a long time, come to think of it.

In a lot of countries indenting paragraphs in a business letter is still a must, and Dixie would like to remind you again that on this website she mostly focuses on the US ways. And in the US the indented letter does look a little outdated. On the other hand, a lot of companies still use it even in the US. Well, there are three layouts to choose from. And if you justify to yourself using this one, go for it.

  • Simplified-style

Simplified-style business letters contain all the same elements as the full-block and semi-block letters. Like the full-block format, the simplified format left-justifies every line except for the company logo or letterhead. The date line is either slightly right of center or flush with the center of the page. Letters written in the simplified format have fewer internal sections, such as the body, salutation and date line.

Using the simplified style is the most useful at times when you don't have a recipient's contact name. Because the simplified style does not require a salutation, you don't need the person's name. The simplified format does away with unneeded formality while maintaining a professional approach.

  • Hanging-Indented Style

This very useful style places the first words of each paragraph prominently on the page. It is useful for letters that deal with a variety of different topics. However, for normal business communications, this style is very rarely used. The first line of the paragraph begins at the left-hand margin. And the other lines of the same paragraph are indented three to four spaces. This is the reversal of semi-indented style discussed in other page.

Sumber :

Sabtu, 03 November 2012

Laporan Pendahuluan 3 3DC01 A

LA 3 3DC01 Shift A

1. Jelaskan apa yang kalian ketahui tentang hardisk...?

2. Mengapa hardisk disebut sebagai memori sekunder pada komputer...? Jelaskan...!

3. Jelaskan cara kerja hardisk...!

4. Sebutkan macam-macam hardisk dan jelaskan perbedaannya masing-masing...?

5. Mengapa hardisk tipe SATA jauh lebih cepat pengoprasiannya dibanding hardisk tipe IDE...?

6. Sebutkan bagian-bagian dari hardisk...?

7. Apa fungsi master dan slave pada hardisk...?

Diharapkan praktikum sudah membawa foto copy KRS aktif dan foto 3x4, 2x3 untuk kartu praktikum

Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Studying Business Letters

LETTER is a means of communication used to convey information in writing by one party to another. That information can be:
           - notification
           - statement
           - command
           - request / petition
           - report

1.  As a means of communication.
2.  As a means to give notice / request or requests, thoughts or ideas.
3.  As written evidence.
4.  As a means to remember.
5.  As historical evidence.
6.  As a working guideline.

In terms of form, content, and language, the letter listed the three types, namely:
           1. personal letter
           2. Mail service
           3. Letters commercial
In general, the definition and understanding of the business letter is a letter that is used by a person, organization or institution roomates agencies deliver business messages in writing to the other party by using certain media whether it be mail delivery via post, phone or faksmilie , via the internet. The following parts of a business letter :
  1. Letterhead
Letterhead or masthead is at the top of a sheet of letter. Letterhead usually consists of the name, address and logo of the owner of the letter in question. Sometimes the logo is placed in the background of the letter.

In some countries fundamentally different in layout and composition letterhead. As for color, pattern and style of letterhead designs usually follow or adapt to the type of institutions that use it.

In addition the Head of the letter (Letter Head) there are some elements roomates are :
·         Main Elements (The main elements)
Includes: company name, address, phone number.
"Includes company name address phone number"
·         Additional Element (Additional elements)
Includes: Logo or symbol, line of business.
"Include a logo or symbol of business"
  1. Date
The date of manufacture is the date of the letter, it must be included in an official letter, because it is a testament autentiknya an official letter. Date of formal letter is useful to facilitate identifying letters, as well as facilitate the filing letter to an agency or an official letter dated organisasi.Posisi be listed under the letterhead or equal to the number the letter. The most commonly used in Indonesia is just below your letterhead.

  1. Mailing Address

    Address letters written under it is one line. Address letters do not have to begin with the words to and do not need to end with a period. Words are not necessary unless you greeting followed by a proper name. Said road should not be abbreviated, and stands no. for the street number not to be given.
  2. References

    Contains a reference that makes it easy for senders and recipients conducting documentation or archiving of previous conversations to reference writing can be underlined text, write the reference for the respondent. An example of the format will look like this:

    Your Ref: KPS/C3. If you want to add a reference from the delivery, writing format: "Ref: Con/13/1" or "Our Ref: Con/13/1".
  3. Greeting

    Greeting is the greeting first before we reveal the contents. Greeting is usually with respect to the letter. But can also write greeting besides like greetings, best wishes, and more. A greeting written with initial capital letters and end with a comma.

  1. Subject

    On the subject of the letter serves to describe the contents of the letter, so that the reader can find a description of the contents of the letter will be read. Usually the subject is written using capital letters and only consisted of one or two sentences.
    For example : Subject : Assistant Training of Hardware Laboratory
  2. The Body of the Letter

    The letter is a place to write things to say. Usually the letter directly to the subject of the letter, it could be an invitation or information. Paragraph in the letter must use single spacing and in the absence of separation between each paragraph. Leave a gap between the end of the contents of the cover.

  1. Closing

    This section is a marker that you have completed the letter, usually ending with the writing "Sincerely," "Sincerely yours," "Thank you", and others. There is a comma at the end and just use the first letter capitalized. Leave a gap between the cover line 3-4 with the name, which will be used for a signature.
  2. Signature

    The signature on the letter indicating the authenticity of the author. It is true that those who wrote the letter. Usually the signature using red ink or the ink is thicker.

  1. Printed Name (Name of sender)

    This section is the name of the author of the letter, and if you want, you can give the position or the position of section bahwah after writing the name. Leave a gap between the writing of the name of the attachment.
  2. Enclosure

    This section only rendered if there are attachments-attachments will be included in the business. The writing of the Enclosure or attachment helps the author, recipient, and the Secretary to the know-attachment the attachment observe the completeness that is included. If attachments-attachments is incomplete or does not correspond to the written, the control can be Easily done, as for writing variation can be observed on the Enclosure.
  3. Carbon Copy of letter

    Notation Notation (carbon copy notation) is only written when letter writing was about to deliver a duplicate of the letter to the parties, with the content format, as well as everything is exactly the same as the original letter sheet. In writing it, carbon copy notation can be abbreviated to CC Followed colon or point two, or it could be with a cc (lowercase) that is also Followed by a colon.
Today a letter has become commonplace in written communication indirectly, either in communication between family, business needs and means to find a job, is an example of a means of written communication. the development of information technology can meminimaliskan the communication by letter, current bona fide companies no longer accept job applications through the written media such as letters, many companies that provide Internet services makes the company turned to the way, because the more instant and easy admission process candidates will be working in a company. although the number of companies that offer these services, but not reduce a person to be creative. because creation can not be replaced by any media, because by looking at the writing of ordinances, one can see the skills and creativity of the author. today almost all companies prioritize writing a cover letter using the English language, the company intends to show the meaning of the English language to interact in the company, because English is the language that should be understood. following procedures will be described writing job application letter with English and business letters.
Sample Business Letter :


Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012


Praktikum reguler 3DC01 Depok 
Libur sampai tanggal 9 November 2012 dikarenakan ruangan di pakai kegiatan Lepkom...

Untuk 3DC02 Kalimalang libur sampai tanggal 3 November 2012

Semua praktikum tetap pada jadwal masing2...
3DC01 A Jumat 09.00 - 11.00
3DC01 B Jumat 13.30 - 15.30
3DC02 A Sabtu 13.00 - 15.00
3DC02 B Sabtu 15.00 - 17.00 

Diharapkan Praktikan untuk gabung ke grup praktikum di FB
"Praktikum Perangkat Keras 2012" ditunggu kehadirannya di grup ya...

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012


LP 1

  1. Apa yang kalian ketahui tentang Motherboard ? serta sebutkan soket apa saja yang ada di dalam motherboard !
  2. Salah satu komponen pada motherboard adalah Chipset, apakah chipset itu ?
  3. RAM merupakan memori utama pada komputer, mengapa RAM dapat disebut sebagai memori utama ?
  4. Apa yang kalian ketahui mengenai Processor ? sebutkan contoh processor min 5 !
  5. Jelaskan perbedaan power supply tipe AT dan ATX !

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Jadwal Praktikum

Jadwal Praktikum Pengujian Kinerja Perangkat Keras

*Praktikum dimulai tanggal 19 Oktober 2012 pada jadwal shift masing-masing.

*Praktikum Reguler 3DC01 dimulai minggu depan dikarenakan bentrok sama ujian kursus dan tanggal merah.
Untuk 3DC01 A praktikum tgl 12 jam 4 sampai jam 6 dan di lanjut sabtu tgl 13 jam stgh 4 sampai stgh 6
Untuk 3DC01 B praktikum tgl 13 jam stgh 2 sampai jam stgh 4, dilanjut jumat tgl 19 jam 4 sampai jam 6. Untuk selanjutnya praktikum kembali normal mulai tgl 2 november *kembali ke jdwl semula 3DC01. 
Untuk 3DC02 tetap dimulai tgl 20 *tetap pada jam dan shift semula karena sudah tidak bentrok

*LA dan LP diupload di blog PJ Shift masing-masing :
  1. PJ Shift Reza Aditya F :
  2. PJ Shift Ragiel Hadi P  :
  3. PJ Shift Bunyamin        :
  4. PJ Shift Yodi Adhari     :
*Modul praktikum bisa di download di . Modul dijilid sesuai shift masing-masing dan harus sama :
  1. 3DC01 Shift A jilid depan bening belakang merah
  2. 3DC01 Shift B jilid depan bening belakang biru
  3. 3DC02 Shift A jilid depan bening belakang kuning
  4. 3DC02 Shift B jilid depan bening belakang hitam
*LA, LP, Modul Praktikum, Kartu Praktikum dimasukan ke dalam map sesuai warna jilid modul masing-masing shift. Untuk LA, LP dikerjakan di buku tulis yang di sampul coklat + sampul bening.

*Kartu Praktikum dibagikan di pertemuan pertama

Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

Proposal Skripsi


1.1.     Latar Belakang
Jaman sekarang sudah banyak robot–robot yang telah diciptakan oleh pembuat robot untuk melakukan tugas-tugas tertentu. Seperti robot pemadam kebakaran, robot pendeteksi bom dan lain–lain. Kreativitas robotic sekarang sudah sering dikompetisikan dengan tujuan untuk menyalurkan kreativitasnya dalam membuat suatu alat. Salah satunya adalah Line Tracking Robot (LTR).
Line Tracking Robot merupakan robot pengikut garis yang bergerak secara otomatis dengan berlandasakan sensor yang terdapat didalamnya. Dimana sensor tersebut yang dapat membaca garis yang kemudian di proses sehingga robot dapat bergerak. Line Tracking Robot ini bergerak sama seperti prinsip kerja pada manusia. Dimana mata untuk melihat, otak untuk berpikir dan kaki untuk berjalan. Pada pengimplementasi suatu alat, mata sama dengan sensor pada robot, otak sama dengan mikrokontroler yang terdapat didalamnya yang dapat memproses, dan kaki sama dengan motor yang digunakan untuk berjalan. Ketiga prinsip itu bisa dikatakan sebagai input, proses dan output.
Saat ini sudah banyak orang–orang mencoba untuk membuat robot pengikut garis ini dikarenakan cara kerjanya yang lebih simple dari robot–robot lainnya. Selain lebih mudah dalam pembuatan alatnya, pemrograman pada LTR ini juga simple karena hanya beberapa komponen yang harus diaktifkan untuk mengoperasikan alat tersebut.
Berdasarkan uraian yang telah dijabarkan bahwa Line Tracking Robot (robot pengikut garis) bisa dikatakan mudah dalam pembuatannya bila pembuat robot bisa mengetahui bagaimana cara kerja dari robot tersebut dengan memperhatikan inputan yang didapat dari sensor, pemprosesan pada IC mikrokontrollernya dan keluaran pada motor yang digunakan untuk menggerakan alat tersebut.

1.2.     Batasan Masalah
Mungkin dalam pembuatan alat ini banyak sekali masalah–masalah yang mungkin untuk dibahas. Ditambah lagi bidang elektronika dan mikroprosesor sangatlah luas, maka kami akan membatasi masalah yang akan dibahas tetapi, tetap mudah dipahami oleh pembaca, pada hal-hal yang menyangkut dalam pembuatan alat Line Tracking Robot saja yang bertujuan untuk memahami dan mengerti permasalahan yang ada pada alat ini.
Dari aspek keuntungan pada pembuatan alat dapat menambah kreativitas dalam karya ini dan juga dari alat yang telah dibuat dapat dikembangkan menjadi sesuatu yang lebih dari sebelumnya. Disamping itu dari segi alatnya memiliki keuntungan dapat mengerjakan perintah–perintah yang di berikan user lewat susunan program yang tertanam pada suatu mikrokontroler. Kemudian dari aspek kerugian penggunaan alat ini tidak bisa mengerjakan beberapa hal. Hanya dapat mengikuti garis hitam ataupun putih. Dan lewat makalah inilah kami membatasi masalah dari alat yang telah kami buat dari aspek kerugian penggunaan alat tersebut tetapi tetap bisa dikembangkan oleh pembaca dengan menutupi apek kerugian pada alat ini.

1.3.     Tujuan Penulisan
Penulisan Makalah ini dibuat dengan tujuan-tujuan tertentu diantaranya :
1.   Memenuhi syarat dari nilai praktikum mikroprosesor pada Semester ini tahun ajaran PTA 2011/2012 Universitas Gunadarma.
2.   Memberikan  pengenalan  dasar  tentang  komponen yang digunakan pada Line Tracking Robot.
3.   Dapat memberikan pengetahuan pada pembaca tentang teori – teori dasar dalam pembuatan “Line Tracking Robot”.

1.4.     Metode Penulisan
Metode yang kami gunakan dalam penulisan makalah ini yaitu :
1.4.1.   Wawancara Asisten
Untuk menghasilkan makalah yang baik dan benar diperlukan keseriusan dan ketelitian dalam membuatnya. Disamping itu setiap  kalimat pada materi yang dijelaskan harus sesuai dan mengandung arti satu sama lain agar setiap kalimat tersebut dapat saling terintegarasi satu sama lain.
1.4.2.   Studi Pustaka
Untuk mencari menyusun suatu penulisan seperti makalah ini diperlukan suatu referensi-referensi dari suatu sumber bacan ataupun pustaka elektronik. Referensi tersebut harus sesuai dengan materi yang dijelaskan seperti tentang pembelajaran elektronika, mikrokontroler dan lain-lain.
1.4.3.   Observasi
·         Perangkat Lunak
Pada alat ini, perangkat lunak yang digunakan yaitu MIDE51. Software ini sebagai tempat untuk membuat suatu program assembler MCS51. Disertai dengan software Top View Simulator untuk mensimulasikan program yang telah dibuat sebelumnya.
·         Perangkat Keras
Komponen yang digunakan pada alat ini yaitu sensor infrared dan photo diode. Kedua alat ini bertindak sebagai inputan. Kemudian IC komparator dan mikrokontroler yang memproses inputan tersebut. Dan outputnya terdapat pada motor DC
·         Cara kerja
Sebelum menjalankan alat / robot ini, diperlukan program untuk menjembatani semua komponen. Setelah program dibuat dan disimulasikan pada software, program dimasukan kedalam mikrokontroler untuk diproses lebih lanjut dan kemudian menghasilkan output.

1.5.     Sistematika Penulisan
Pada penulisan makalah ini terdapat 5 Bab yang telah disusun secara sistematis yaitu Bab I Pendahuluan, Bab II Landasan teori, Bab III analisa rangkaian, Bab IV cara kerja alat dan Bab 5 Penutup. Sistematika ini dibuat bertujuan untuk mempermudah pembaca mengetahui isi dari setiap Bab.

Berisi tentang Latar belakang masalah, Batasan masalah, Tujuan Penulisan makalah ini, dan Metode penulisan. Pada Bab ini menjelaskan tentang kaitan-kaitannya dengan alat Line Tracking Robot ini serta mengetahui tujuan dari pembuatan alat yang telah kami buat.

Berisi tentang teori dasar ini berisi tentang komponen-kompoenen pendukung dalam pembuatan alaat Line Tracking Robot.

Berisi tentang penjelasan analisa hardware dari alat yang telah dibuat secara Blok diagram maupun analisa rangkaian secara Detail. Serta pada bab ini berisi tentang analisa software yang didalamnya terdiri dari flowchart, analisa flowchart dari cara kerja program dan menganalisa program secara detail.

Berisi tentang bagaimana caranya untuk  menunjukan pengoperasian alat dan langkah-langkah dalam menjalankan alat serta pengaplikasian mikrokontroler dalam kehidupan sehari–hari.

Berisi tentang kesimpulan dan saran demi untuk menunjang alat yang telah penulis buat.